Tuesday, August 3, 2010

my muse

She shows up like she’s never left
Seducing without reason, but rebellious rhyme
Tempting my heart to beat beyond measures
Sending fantasies wittingly above the clefs

She stays a while, makes herself at home
Stunning me to trust she’ll stick around this time
Stroking my conceit, leaving me high on her glory
Soothing the angst that’s her surrogate in my time spent alone

She sweats sunshine and exhales stardust
Sauntering about in magic and mystery
Moving me to tears I don’t even recognize
Swallowing passion like poison, drunk on her lust

She shields me from the scent of fear
Shelters from the flight of failure
Harboring my hopes with angelic grace
Staging promises to nurture and revere

She smiles with scintillation, her eyes evoke serenity
Senses flattered by an adoration dismally unrequited
Escaping through the same door she meandered in
Slipping through my fingers clenched desperately

Nothing on my own to salvage
Unaccompanied in my own despair
Accepting friends in fear and failure
Gripped by the claws of a mindless binge

A blank page without ink, taunts me to a familiar shame
The pen settled near the page, too heavy for my hand
A lost appetite abandoned, nevermore forgotten
A broken heart all the wiser, she is not to blame

My goddess
My love
My soul
My dear

I sit and linger for your coveted return,
Devotedly, I will let you back in

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